Curious Carcasses

This particular branch of the cryptozoological tree offers one of the most exciting elements in any scientific field of inquiry — tangible evidence.

Although one can not argue that scientists have offered many of these mystery corpses more prosaic interpretations then that of an “unknown animal” or — to put it bluntly — “monster,” there are some carcasses — most of which have been verified, chronicled, sampled and tested — that simply defy any easy explanations.

These unusual remains have been discovered on roadsides and forests; they have washed up on ocean and sea shores worldwide — usually after a major storm or marine calamity — and are often recovered by fishermen, tourists or even children, some of whom have (thankfully) had the presence of mind to snap photos, take sample or alert some scientific authority such as a local museum.

More often than not these roadkill carcasses or decaying denizens of the deep seem unbelievable to the pedestrian eye, yet those who’ve had the fortune to accidentally stumble upon these temporary graves are a truly privileged few. Many times these creatures have features which have rarely been cataloged –- outside the realms of legends or paleontological studies -– and have, of course, never been witnessed by the scientific establishment in their natural environments.

The simple fact that these carcasses exist at all is a testament to the legitimacy of the vast pantheon of legends regarding all manner of bizarre animals, which have sprung up across the globe since the dawn of civilization. They serve as tangible and irrefutable evidence that there are animals on, and below, the surface of this Earth which we have not yet even begun to comprehend.

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