MNN has published an article chronicling 13 species which were once considered to be extinct.
These FORMERLY EXTINCT creatures represent just some of the many species that scientists once assumed no longer lived on this Earth. From the article:
“They’re called “Lazarus species” — creatures that have disappeared, sometimes for millions of years, only to miraculously be rediscovered again in modern times. Just as Lazarus was raised from the dead by Jesus in the Gospel of John, so these species manage to survive.”
Some of the species on this list include: the Chacoan peccary, La Palma giant lizard and the Monito del Monte, a remarkable, diminutive marsupial believed to have been extinct for 11 million years until one was discovered in a thicket of Chilean bamboo in the southern Andes. This evidence only lends credence to the observations made by native peoples of other presumed extinct creatures such as Africa’s MOKELE MBEMBE and Papua New Guinea’s MURRAY.