TheDaily Mail has reported that residents of a small Canadian town have been bewildered by the appearance of a bizarre creature, which was dragged from a lake.
The animal, which has an extended hairy body with bald skin on its head, feet and face and a long, rat-like tail has prompted wild internet speculation that it is a more evolved version of the famous “Montauk monster.”
The creature was discovered by two nurses in the (impossible to pronounce) town of Kitchenuhmaykoosib in Ontario, Canada, while out on a walk with their dog Sam. When the dog began sniffing in the lake, the two women started investigating. It wasn’t long before the dog pulled the CURIOUS CARCASS onto the shore.
After taking some photographs of the odd animal, the nurses left it alone. When locals decided to go back and retrieve the body, it had disappeared. The photographs have now been posted on a local website, with an explanation which reads:
“This creature was first discovered by Sam the Dog, a local dog. It was discovered first week of May in the creek section of town, hikers noticed Sam sniffing something in the water and they approached to see in what the Sam had detected and they noticed the creature in the water face down.”
Eyewitnesses claim that this ostensibly HYBRID BEAST looks like a cross between a rat, a weasel, a beaver, an otter and a fanged boar, but, according to local police chief Donny Morris, no one is exactly sure what it may be:
“What it is, I don’t know. I’m just as curious as everyone else.”
While the authorities may not have a clue as to the snaggle-toothed beast’s identity, northern Ontario Native Elders claim they have a name and a history for it… and that it represents a “bad omen.” The manager of Sam’s Store in Big Trout Lake claimed:
“The elders used to see it a long time ago… no one has seen one for 40 years or so. The elders have a word for it: omajinaakoos. In English, it means ‘the ugly one’.”
Others have suggested the animal could be “man-made” genetic mutant or even a new “Montauk monster,” due to the similarities between these photographs and those of a different creature which washed up in Montauk, New York, in 2008, near a Long Island government animal testing facility.
Although, Montauk monster has never been officially identified, the general consensus is that it was some kind of raccoon.
However, other bloggers have speculated that the new creature discovered in Ontario is a type of CHUPACABRA, or “goatsucker.” Of course, it seems that any mangy carcass that turns up on a beach or a roadside these days gets saddled with this dubious moniker. Famed cryptozoologist LOREN COLEMAN claims that the answer may be much more pedestrian:
“But more realistic considerations have talked about it being a known species, such as a bear cub (Ursus americanus) or other animals. Even the mundane looks strange without hair.”