Yahoo has posted a video detailing how the recent rash of monster sightings can be explained away by animals afflicted with a persistent and contagious parasitic skin disease called mange.
When people encounter a bald, rough skinned, toothy animal that they don’t recognize, they naturally assume that it must be some sort of unidentified creature. This, of course, is often not the case. Usually the animal they are bearing witness to is as common as a raccoon or coyote, but they are afflicted with a mange — a skin disease that can cause dramatic changes in a creature’s appearance.
It goes without saying that the press is only too happy the exploit the beastly rumors until a cool headed scholar comes out of the woodwork to debunk the theory. Skeptics have a field day with these misidentified monstrosities, but the fact remains that serious crypto-investigators — like LOREN COLEMAN — are usually the first to correctly identify the creatures in question.
But never fear fellow crypto-enthusiasts, just because the hype surrounding the now infamous “Montauk Monster” or the “Oriental Yeti” or any number of alleged southern “CHUPACABRA” sightings can be attributed to mangy critters, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t still plenty of flesh and blood monsters lurking around. It just means we’ve got be a bit more cautious before we succumb to the “monster frenzy” that seems to surround any press release showing some sort of bizarrely featured hairless mammal.