Inexplicata has reported that two ranchers in the wilderness near El Creston, Argentina came face to face with a small, fanged, hairy humanoid, which they managed to shoot and kill on the night of July 23, 2010.
According to eyewitness accounts two ranchers — a 53 year-old farm owner named Joaquin Sarapura and his nephew, E.S. — had gone out to round up the cows for branding the next day, when they heard a nearly deafening sound on the edge of one of the darkness enshrouded hills surrounding their property.
The ranchers cast their flashlights toward the source of the noise and found themselves staring at two enormous green eyes attached to a strange UNCLASSIFIED humanoid creature with unusually large and sharp incisors. Martin, a friend of the witnesses, relayed the event:
“They told me they thought it was a goblin, and to scare it away, they fired a shot. They were unlucky enough to hit it in the head.”
Apparently, the bullet entered through the lower left side of the jaw, exiting through the upper right eyebrow ridge. The creature collapsed instantly and the two ranchers carried the remains back to their ranch to analyze it. In the light of the next day the pair became convinced that they had shot and killed a legendary UCUMAR, which Sarapura claims had been raiding his chickens.
While some say that this HAIRY HOMINID is nothing more than a rogue ape, the similarity between this specimen and local tales of the mythic Ucumar — a manlike figure covered in short black hair — has renewed the debate in the region over the existence of their own local “YETI.” For decades the beast known as the Ucumar has been reported in the forested areas to the south of the province, particularly in Rosario de la Frontera, where numerous eyewitness accounts have been collected.
This particular specimen was covered in short black hair all over its body, except for the face. It apparently had fingers and toes and extremely large incisors. Martin discussed the uniqueness of this encounter:
“The truth is that it was a one of a kind experience. I had never seen anything like it. When we go to the ranch at Cerro El Creston, we find hairs stuck to the tree trunks, as though “it” was scratching itself against them. There are many animals in the area, but none with fur resembling that of the creature they hunted.”
Photographs of the remains of the specimen gunned down in the cloud forest of Cerro El Creston were taken by Martin with a cell phone, at the property belonging to the rancher who shot it. The photos clearly show a hominid specimen with long fangs and protruding eyes. Martin recounted his first experience with the carcass:
“That Saturday I arrived and they told me what had occurred during the morning. I entered the home and there it was, hanging from its feet, its hands tied to one side and extending down to the floor… I asked him what it was, and they couldn’t answer. They only said that in the dark of night, they thought it might have been a puma or a goblin, because they only saw its enormous green eyes shining by light of the flashlights… on Saturday morning, J.S. asked us to cut off his head and throw the body far away, as he did not wish to be the victim of any revenge.”
The revenge that Martin referred to stems from the fact that the being they had found had a relatively small skull so that it was likely the “cub” of an Ucumar, the parents of which might take reprisals against Sarapura for having shot and killed its young. Martin explained how in fear they disposed of the carcass:
“Overall, the people who live in these parts believe greatly in these things: goblins, the Ucumar… (as a) matter of fact, I must admit I felt afraid. At one point I thought about bringing the body to Metán, but I got scared… we cut off its head, which remained at the ranch. But we wrapped up the body in several bags and threw it down a canyon.”
Marcelo Choque, a forensic veterinarian for the Provincial Police under the Environmental Division of the service, was startled to see the photographs of the strange specimen’s skull:
“I never saw anything like it. It’s clearly an anthropomorphic figure, but I can’t tell you the species. And I could much less explain the exaggerated size of its incisors, which give it a monstrous appearance.”
Choque went on to indicate other anomalous anthropological elements indicated by the photo:
“There are no anthropoids in the are where they shot it. And the ones belonging to our fauna do not possess in any way the humanoid characteristics showing in the photo. If it is a monkey of some sort, it would be a rarity, an unclassified species or a genetic aberration. I’m stunned and I think it would be necessary to travel with a team of experts to the area where the skull is kept in order to conduct an analysis of the remains.”
Inexplicata reported that just such an expedition was undertook just weeks later when police officers from Metán, led by Deputy Chief Regino Monteros of Regional Unit 3, and consisting of criminalists from the force, firefighters and local infantrymen, brought back the remains of the strange mammal shot down by Sarapura.
The expedition was guided by sisters Marian and Claudia Miranda, backwoods women, who walked seven hours to reach the site and five hours back, just to bring down the head and hairy carcass of this hitherto unknown specimen in the area.
Sarapura justified his actions by saying that the alleged anthropoid was causing damage among his farm birds, raising new questions about the species in question, as it South American apes are not known to be carnivorous, and there is no record of their existence in that part of the country. An analysis of the recovered body and head of the small beast indicates that its general size and impressive fangs was akin to that described by Sarapura and Martin.
Expedition leader Sheriff Regino Monteros told El Tribuno that when they reached the Sarapura ranch, the rancher told him that he had killed the strange being following a spate of nocturnal raids upon his chickens:
“We received exact orders from our superiors to unveil this mystery and recover the remains of the alleged Ucumar to subject it to study, and to determine scientifically and factually the species to which it belongs. Furthermore, it was done to restore peace to the population, as a sort of collective psychosis was unleashed in the rural areas, where the legend of the mysterious humanoid was renewed, and which has been the subject of sightings in the southern reaches fo the department for decades.”
While the senior officer, believes that the specimen will likely turn out to be an ape, the fact that there has hitherto been no evidence of these animals’ existence in the region means that even if that is the case there is still a mystery to unravel.
The remains of the large-fanged carcass were placed in a special package to be sent to the city of Salta, where they shall undergo expert analysis. This subject merited the opening of legal proceedings by Mario Dilascio, Second Judge of Instruction of the Southern Judicial District.
The magistrate issued precise instructions to have the samples sent immediately to the capital city for their analysis by scientists, in order to conduct a precise classification of the anthropoid’s characteristics, and to ascertain the reasons that apparently brought it so far from its natural habitat… Unless it is a native, non-exotic mammal, hitherto unknown.