Brown’s Guide to Georgia has published a report regarding a pair of alleged encounters between U.S. troops and Bigfoot.

Covering 280,000 acres, Fort Stewart — which is located near Savannah, Georgia — consists of swamp and piney woods, a perfect cover for a lurking HAIRY HOMINID.

In December of 1995, a Sargent known only as “R.B.” was training in a remote area with two other infantry squad leaders and two privates. Their assignment was to reconnoiter another unit located several miles distant. To avoid detection in the growing darkness, the men waded into chest deep swamp water for several hundred yards, guided by a map and compass.

After leaving the swamp, Sgt. R. B. noticed that for the next 15 minutes a “shadow” would approach to within twenty-five yards of the team, but just when they expected to catch sight of their unidentified pursuer, it would break off. In an effort to elude whatever was trailing them, Sgt. R.B., another sergeant, and a private halted while the other two men continued. Five minutes later the other soldiers followed, but the mystery creature was not fooled. Sgt. R. B. wrote:

“We could hear something or someone following us… (it would) go around us, fade off, and then we would hear it coming again… (it) started weaving in and out of the two groups like a figure-8… it came between the 2 groups, around them, toward us, like it knew exactly where we were even though we couldn’t see it.”

When the reunited team was 400 meters from the opposing unit, they established a patrol base. Sgt. R.B. and another sergeant would reconnoiter their objective, then return in two hours, when a second pair would start out. After covering 200 meters the men heard their nemesis again. They crossed an open area, then fell to the ground watching their rear. After five minutes they heard a “scream roar.” Sgt. R.B. recorded:

“This is when it got really weird… a minute later it screamed again and then we heard what sounded like a huge rotten tree falling, and brush breaking. That was the last we heard and the last I wanted to hear.”

The second notable encounter occurred at 2 am. on November 12, 1998, “Barry” was gunner on an armored tracked vehicle that was maneuvering on dirt tank trails in the swampy northeast portion of Fort Stewart. Barry was scanning for simulated targets through a thermal sight while the driver was driving using a night vision device.

At one intersection Barry scanned the track and “observed something come out of the vegetation” 50 yards away, entering the brush on the opposite side. It crossed the 15 to 20-foot wide lane in three easy strides. The creature ignored the approaching tank, keeping its head and torso looking straight ahead.

Barry, who had trained with night vision equipment, estimated the creature’s height to be 8-feet tall. He also concluded that this hairy entity was unclothed due to the fact that it:

“Appeared through the thermal sight to be one constant color from head to foot.”

Barry had watched documentaries and read books about Bigfoot as a kid and he immediately thought this was one. Through the Bradley’s internal communications system he reported the sighting, but the spooked commander ordered the driver to “punch it” and the vehicle quickly exited the area.

Barry’s story swiftly spread through the camp, with the soldier taking “some heavy ribbing over seeing Bigfoot.” Later another soldier approached and confided that his father — while stationed at Fort Stewart in the 1960s — had seen an identical UNCLASSIFIED animal in that area.