The Calgary Sun has reported that a bigfoot hunter has a taken astounding video of what appears to be a hairy, upright, wild man.
Bigfoot has made itself at home in Alberta, Canada is the assertion of a dedicated HAIRY HOMINID research organization based near Calgary, which claims not only to have video and photo evidence of the mythical beast, but DNA proof as well. According to spokesman for the Sylvanic Bigfoot group, Todd Standing:
“When I first started, I was a skeptic, but not anymore — now I’m a wholehearted believer in the species.”
Standing’s allegations of a Bigfoot colony living near the border of Banff and Kootenay national park will raise many eyebrows, but his evidence has piqued the interest of the Discovery Channel. This week, crews from “Finding Bigfoot,” a hit show on Discovery’s Animal Planet channel, are filming in the Calgary area, and Standing says the upcoming episode will be centred upon Sylvanic’s discoveries:
“We’ve had exceptional results and we’re working with people doing DNA analysis.”
He says preliminary results from hair samples sent in for testing suggest an unknown species of primate, while video and photographs indicate a creature larger than a gorilla, with human-like features. Standing claims that the photographs — like this potentially extraordinary video capture here — are proof of Bigfoot. According to Standing:
“I’ve had multiple interactions with them, and I’ve filmed them and photographed them on many occasions. It’s a real, living breathing animal, which I got within 60 or 70-yards of.”
Standing knows his belief in Bigfoot and the proof he has produced from the Banff backwoods opens him to mockery, but he accepts the skeptism, because he understands it. Standing asserts that he originally joined the Sylvanic team with the intent of disproving the oft told stories of an ape-like creature hiding in the wilderness of North America:
“I thought it was a combination of hoaxes and mistaken identities, and I wanted to prove it wasn’t true,” said Standing.
Now, he says Bigfoot is a fact and by October of 2011, he hopes to have the DNA evidence to prove it.