Discovery News has reported that while a bustling airport would hardly seem the place to find a new species of reclusive animal, a team of California biologists recently found a shy new species of legless lizard living at the end of a runway at Los Angeles International Airport.
What’s more, the same team discovered three additional new species of these distinctive, snake-like lizards that are also living in some inhospitable-sounding places for wildlife: at a vacant lot in downtown Bakersfield, among oil derricks in the lower San Joaquin Valley and on the margins of the Mojave desert.
All are described in the latest issue of Breviora, a publication of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. Theodore Papenfuss, an amphibian and reptile expert at Berkeley’s Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, was quoted as saying:
“This shows that there is a lot of undocumented biodiversity within California.”
Papenfuss,made the discoveries with James Parham of California State University, Fullerton, who had this to say:
“These are animals that have existed in the San Joaquin Valley, separate from any other species, for millions of years, completely unknown.”
These statements by prestigious scientists regarding this significant zoological discovery would seem to apply to other as yet unidentified creatures, which may be hiding right beneath our collective noses all over the world.