lake-monsterssea_serpentIt sometimes seems as if one would not be able throw a rock in the spectacular Scottish Highlands without hitting a slippery, long necked, antediluvian monster upside the head — and Loch Quoich is no exception to that rule as locals insist that although Nessie may get the bulk of the fame they have their very own nefarious, equine-headed monstrosity living in the depths of their local loch.

Bordered by the beautiful Gairich Mountain, and renowned for its tremendous pike population, there sits a little known stretch of Scottish backwater known as Loch Quoich. Like so many of its sister lochs, Quoich is notable not only for its natural splendor, but also for harboring an enticing and monstrous marine mystery… just one of dozens said to lurk in the cryptid infested Scottish Highlands, which loch_quoich3hark back to legends of the KELPIE, EACH-USIGE and CABYLL-USHTEY.

Described as being a large, serpentine beast with a horse-like head, this UNCLASSIFIED aquatic critter — unlike it’s more famous cousins ARKAIG MONSTER, MORAG, LIZZIE, the LOCH OICH MONSTER and, the grandmother of all freshwater monsters, NESSIE herself — has been described by eyewitnesses as being more “snake-like” rather than resembling the prototypical thick bodied, flipper bearing plesiosaur.

Cressie Roberts Arm3This description is not entirely unlike the gargantuan, man eating eel-like creatures known as CRESSIE, which are said to dwell beneath the ice smothered depths of Newfoundland’s Crescent Lake.

Peter Costello — in his seminal treatise on anomalous freshwater fauna: “In Search of Lake Monsters” (1975) — related the testimony of an unnamed  lord who, while fishing on the  shores of Loch Quoich, allegedly caught sight of a “monster” laying on a stony beach close to the water. This contributes to a growing body of anecdotal evidence, which at least suggests that some of these creatures might be amphibious.

The two fishing guides who had accompanied the lord were sworn to secrecy, lest townsfolk assume that the group was either drunk or seeing things. At about the same time a local fishing party was said to have seen a large and unidentified animal swimming under the water.

In 1933 — the year that the Loch Ness Monster first became an international celebrity — the Northern Chronicle newspaper was said to have reported additional eyewitness accounts of the creature. It was either a banner year for lake monsters or the good people of Loch Quoich might have just been succumbing to a little monster envy.

Although modern reports of this SEA MONSTER-like critter are sparse at best, the beauty of Loch Quoich should be enough to take any intrepid monster hunter off the beaten path to explore this relatively virgin LAKE MONSTER territory.

rob_morphy© Copyright Rob Morphy 2002 — 2016

Rob Morphy is an artist / journalist / filmmaker / designer / crypto historian / podcaster / co-founder of American Monsters and Cryptopia