Minnesota’s Grand Forks Herald has reported that an Otter Tail County couple woke up Saturday to find strange jelly-like blobs on their patio at their home near Dent.
Debra Eull claimed that she and her husband found the clear blobs following a rain storm:
“(My husband) happened to look out and saw what looked like hail. It wasn’t very many of them.They’re little jelly blobs. I have to assume they came out of the sky.”
Jeff Bodwin, a Minnesota State University Moorhead chemistry professor, feels that the blobs have a more terrestrial explanation:
“I would say looking at it and feeling it, it probably is just a water retention gel of some sort. A silicone polymer… maybe. Or some other type of polymer that just absorbs and traps a lot of water.”
There is a rich tradition of bizarre, blob-like “things” falling from the sky, one of the most famous being the “PURPLE GLOB” that fell on Philadelphia in 1950.